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Empower, Equip & Inspire

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

10 Years and Counting

Welcome to my website and appreciate you reading my first blog of 2018! I have not written a blog since June 23, 2010, This will in fact be another beginning to help make a power impact in the lives as I possibly can. The categories created within this blog page is to provide improve dialog and information as it pertains to youth sports, health & fitness (youth & adult) and how these factors play an important role in our family. I'll provide a mixture of written and video blog versions to mix things up. I'll always come with truth and never fallacy or as we know in today's time as "fake news". Hope the things I share will be a blessing to you and your family.

Leave A Legacy

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -- Maya Angelou

If I asked you who impacted & influenced you in a postive way, would it take you a while to think about it? What about who impacted & influenced you in a negative way, do you need time to think about? I definitely do not in both cases...I remember vividly those who impacted me in a positive and negative way. More about this in blogs to come, but how we as individuals treat others, will leave a lasting impression on them about not just you...but potentially how they deal with other people. Our youth needs adults to provide positive experiences that will last for generations to come.

I've been coaching for over 18 years and am in no way an expert. I am just in a time in my life where I've seen countless things happening in youth sports, families (no matter the economic status), etc. that effect our kids mentally and in turn has our nation on a path foolishness. In foolishness, I mean how we treat one another and the main individuals who mimic these behaviors are our kids. My intent to provide and start meaningful dialog that will help reshape youth sports to its rightful intent...make our respective games fun again!

Commit To The Purpose

My purpose in life is to be a great husband to my wife, great father to my kids and to impact as many lives as I possibly that order. I am nothing without Jesus Christ as my Savior and I am nothing to you all without my family (#FamilyIsEverything). Our commitment shows through our actions, more than our words could ever say. My blogs will serve a purpose to help enlighten us on things we may not be aware of, that causes our kids to react they way they do. Our character, what we eat, what we Iisten to & watch (entertainment) and who we hang around, truly tells the individuals we are. And in this, delivers a powerful message to our kids on who and what type of person they should be, and how they become that person. What is your purpose in life? How are you fulfilling your purpose?


Don't let parents being over critical ruin the youth sports experience for our kids.

If you ask any kid why they play sports, they will most likely say to have fun, hang with/meet friends, etc. The fun experience is so vital in youth sports, that it's truly up to the adults to ensure that our kids has a best experience and memories as possible. We'll dive more into this later, but I want to thank each reader for taking the take to read my blogs!

Jodie McGarity Jr.

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